Privacy policy


Privacy Policy for Android mobile applications.

Vilvilad “We” has developed this privacy policy to help users to understand how we get , use and protect the information of the user . By installing and using the our applications, you agree to this privacy policy and give an explicit and informed consent to the processing. If you do not agree, please do not install our applications.
1. Personal Data
We do NOT collect any personal data of anyone. Your photos phone numbers or any other data. Personal data means personally identifiable information that specifically identifies you as an individual (e.g. your name, email address, Contacts etc).
2. Non-personal Data
We may disclose non-personal data to third parties and/or allow third parties to collect non-personal data through their own embedded technology. In order to deliver targeted ads to you, the third-party advertising companies may place or recognize unique cookies, anonymous identifiers or similar technology for non-personally identifiable information. Non-personal data means information that, by itself, does not personally identify you. We may collect non-personal data such as your device model number, operating system version, country code and other properties for purposes of managing the apps and communicating with you, as well as for targeted ad-serving.
3. Camera data
Some of the application may request your camera data. It is used to capture photo for the purpose of editing and we do not share any photo data with anyone app or person
4. Find accounts on the devices
Vilvilad does not recognize or save your account information for any programs. We only detects whether users have a Google account linked with the device which helps us confirm the state of Google Service and provide users with appropriate application download and update methods.
6. Read Google service configuration
This information is used to acquire advertising ID. We provide users with better advertising service by using such anonymous ID.
7. Change network connectivity
This permission is used in settings and notification toolbar, in order to change network connectivity.
9. Connect and disconnect from Wi-Fi
This permission is used in settings and notification toolbar in order to connect and disconnect from Wi-Fi.
10. Full network access,
This permission is used to access the devices network for certain functions including receiving launcher update notifications.
11. View network connections
This permission is used in settings and notification toolbar, in order to view network connections.
12. View Wi-Fi connections
This permission is used in settings and notification toolbar, in order to view Wi-Fi connections.
13. Access Bluetooth settings
This permission is used in settings, in order to turn on and off the Bluetooth
14. Close other apps
This permission is used in Boost in order to turn off the back-end apps and make the phone run faster.
15. Retrieve running apps
This permission is used in Boost in order to view the running apps.